Tea on the Moon

Today’s post is meant as a goodie for all my English speaking and reading friends out there. This is the first time I can share one of my stories with you – “Tee auf dem Mond – Tea on the Moon”. I wrote it more than half a year ago inspired by a series of bedtime stories I invented for my boys. My dear father-in-law-to-be was so kind to translate this story and now I have the pleasure to share it with you.  Thank you, Michael!
So here we go – meet Mr. Moon!


Tea on the Moon


Mister Moon sat in his tea gazebo and gazed sadly across the white distant moonscape. He held a long stemmed pipe in one hand from which white smoke drifted up into the dark heavens. From time to time a soap bubble would rise from the smoke. On the small round marble table sat a cast iron pot filled with steaming tea – next to it two cups, black and iridescent. Mister Moon’s cup was almost empty, his counterpart’s was full to the brim, untouched. Mister Moon turned to his guest and asked, “And I really cannot persuade you to take a cup of tea? Best moon tea with milk from contented moon calves?” The astronaut shook his head and pointed to his helmet. “I understand. You cannot remove it because you think you’ll suffocate, right?” „Tea on the Moon“ weiterlesen